We must be sure that the legacy of faith received from the pioneers who came before us is never lost. Let their heroic lives touch our hearts, and especially the hearts of our youth, so the fire of true testimony and unwavering love for the Lord and His Church will blaze brightly within each one of us as it did in our faithful pioneers.
Elder M. Russell Ballard

12-13 year olds

On Saturday, June 29th 2019 the Cambridge youth ages 12-13 are invited to participate in a shortened version of trek. It will start early on Saturday.  These youth still need to wear pioneer gear, but girls only need one skirt. Be sure to bring a water bottle and a small backpack. They also need to register online and complete a medical form.

For information regarding the mini-trek click here.

14-18 year olds

This summer you will have the exciting opportunity to participate in the 2019 Cambridge Trek.  Preparing now will ensure that you and your friends will get the most out of this experience.

To Do List:

1.  Register for the event here

2. Prepare yourself physically for the Trek

Trek will require hiking while pushing and pulling loaded handcarts weighing hundreds of pounds. You should feel confident and excited, rather than anxious, about this challenge. Preparation will reduce anxiety about the physical nature of Trek, as well as prevent injuries and fatigue. While ward or branch youth leaders should develop a plan to ensure that every participant is physically prepared for Trek it is upon you as the youth to make sure you are prepared for the challenge. 

3. Work with your Parents and Leaders to get the appropriate clothing

The trek clothing committee will help ensure that the youth have the outfits they need. Individuals should try to get as much as possible on their own, but we will have sewing nights where skilled people come to the various units to help make skirts or other items that cannot be easily and reasonably picked up at stores. Leaders interested in getting help from the clothing committee can contact Martha at [email protected]. For an overview of what is required, visit https://cambridgestaketrek.com/clothing

4. As the trek gets closer check out the Packing List to make sure you

5. Review the Trek Rules