Your youth have an amazing opportunity this summer to participate in the 2019 Cambridge Trek.  We are hard at working planning for the trek to ensure that each youth gets the most out of the challenge.  Our goal is to help each youth gain shared/personal experiences that provide meaning and purpose by exercising faith, enduring to the end, and learning to gain strength from heaven and from their brothers and sisters.

As a Parent we ask for your help in encouraging your youth to follow each step on the To Do List found on the Youth Page.

Here is an abbreviated To Do List for you as a Parent:

1. Help your child Register for the Event

2. Encourage your child to prepare physically for the event.

3. Work with your Parents and Leaders to get the appropriate clothing

The trek clothing committee will help ensure that the youth have the outfits they need. Individuals should try to get as much as possible on their own, but we will have sewing nights where skilled people come to the various units to help make skirts or other items that cannot be easily and reasonably picked up at stores. Leaders interested in getting help from the clothing committee can contact Martha at [email protected]. For an overview of what is required, visit

4. Work with your youth on packing the appropriate items as the trek gets closer.

5. Review Trek Rules with the youth

“Let us never forget the faith of our fathers and the selfless sacrifice of our mothers, those pioneering Saints who set such an inspiring example of obedience. Let us remember them as we strive to be valiant servants in our work to ‘invite all to come unto Christ’.”
Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin