To download this page in PDF format for printing click here: Packing List 2019.
Packing List – General

  • sleeping bag
  • pillow
  • personal hygiene items
    • toothbrush/toothpaste
    • brush, comb hair elastics
    • deodorant
    • lip balm
  • sunscreen
  • bug spray (and more bug spray)
  • necessary personal prescription medication
  • flashlight/headlamp
  • pajamas
  • sturdy walking shoes (not new)
  • 2-3 pair of socks
  • under clothing
  • towel and washcloth
  • rain poncho
  • jacket or sweat shirt (check the forecasted weather)
  • camera (no phones)
Women only

  • 1-2 pioneer skirt or dress
  • pioneer apron
  • 2 long sleeved pioneer blouses
  • Pantaloons or equivalent underclothing
  • Bonnet or wide brimmed hat
  • Modest one-piece swim suit (optional)

Men only

  • 1-2 pairs of trousers with suspenders
  • 2 long sleeved pioneer shirts
  • wide brimmed hat
  • swim suit   (optional)
  • Priests only – bring any extra pair of shoes
What not to bring…

  • electronics (ipods, games, etc.)
  • cell phones
  • weapons
  • sandals
  • a bad attitude
Bring your gear on the first day in a plastic garbage bag. We will not be tracking personal items like luggage or backpacks when we are on the trail.

Place the pillow and sleeping bag together in a labeled garbage bag.  Everything else should fit in your bucket with the lid on. Label your bucket to make it easily recognizable! Label everything!

Personal buckets will be distributed through your ward/branch. If you have not received your bucket by the end of June contact your youth leaders. Place the pillow and sleeping bag together in a labeled garbage bag. Everything else should fit in your bucket with the lid on. Label your bucket to make it easily recognizable! Label everything!