Thank you for all the work you do as a Youth Leader!  Over the coming months you will have opportunities to fortify your personal testimony while seeing/helping the Youth grow their own.  The goal of Trek is to help the youth of the stake gain shared and personal experiences that provide meaning and purpose by exercising faith, enduring to the end, and learning to gain strength from heaven and from their brothers and sisters.

Here are the lessons for you to download, click on the link to get the PDF download:

Trek Lesson #1

Trek Lesson #2

As we work together to make this Trek a success we will see blessings and miracles happen.

As a Leader we should be doing the following:

1. Make sure that each Youth is signed up for the Trek

2. Help the assigned ward leader collect and keep track of the medical forms.

3. Help Youth prepare physically for the Trek (and prepare yourself as well)

Trek will require hiking while pushing and pulling loaded handcarts weighing hundreds of pounds. Participants should feel confident and excited, rather than anxious, about this challenge. Preparation will reduce anxiety about the physical nature of Trek, as well as prevent injuries and fatigue. Ward or branch youth leaders should develop a plan to ensure that every participant is physically prepared for Trek. There is a two-page outline providing guidance on footwear and preparation requirements—including sample training schedules—so that youth and adults will be able to enjoy the social, emotional and spiritual experience of Trek without the burden of fatigue or injury.

4. Help the Youth prepare spiritually for the Trek

5. Work with your Parents and Leaders to get the appropriate clothing

The trek clothing committee will help ensure that the youth have the outfits they need. Individuals should try to get as much as possible on their own, but we will have sewing nights where skilled people come to the various units to help make skirts or other items that cannot be easily and reasonably picked up at stores. Leaders interested in getting help from the clothing committee can contact Joe at [email protected]. For an overview of what is required, visit

6. Review Trek Rules

“Though we have rightly applauded our ancestors for their spiritual achievements (and do not and must not discount them now), those of us who prevail today will have done no small thing. The special spirits who have been reserved to live in this time of challenges and who overcome will one day be praised for their stamina by those who pulled handcarts.”
Elder Neal A. Maxwell